
In 2018, Digital and Mobile Payment Systems in Turkey

I presented “Digital and Mobile Payment Systems in Turkey” in “Understanding FinTech in Islamic Finance Workshop” on February 20-21 2018 at Marmara Taksim Hotel, Istanbul

ADFIMI Workshop on “Understanding FinTech in Islamic Finance”

ADFIMI, which stands for Association of National Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) in Member Countries of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB), was established as an autonomous independent international organization.

I helped Mr. Abdelmohaimen Mansi, CEO of Elamnagos to organize the event, and also invite the local speakers (I was also speaker) to the event.

ADFIMI Workshop on understanding FinTech in Islamic Finance

ADFIMI Workshop on understanding FinTech in Islamic Finance

Event was a 2-day workshop in The Marmara Taksim Hotel, Istanbul on 20-21 February 2018.

Workshop was about “Understanding FinTech in Islamic Finance” with the objective of providing a comprehensive overview and practical approach to understanding and educating financial professionals and practitioners on Islamic FinTech. This covered key areas of interest such as #CapitalMarket, #Banking, #FinTech, #TechFin, #IslamicFintech, #Takaful, #Crowdfunding, #Blockchain, #ICO, #Cryptocurrencies, #Regtech, #Insuretech and all #IslamicFinanceInstruments within #IslamicFinance. It was considered a critical time for banks to embrace technology disruption by understanding its impact.

#FinTech is the merger of financial services with the technology and has become a major buzzword in the economy globally, particularly in Islamic Finance. There are currently Islamic #FinTech landscape consists of 120 players in areas such as #crowdfunding to Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) to #cryptocurrencies.

We hosted advanced Finance, Technology, Regulation and Academic executives, to provide up-to-date information on opportunities, challenges and latest trends while engaging face-to-face with industry experts in a hands-on, practical environment curated for optimal learning.

ADFIMI Workshop on Understanding FinTech in Islamic Finance

ADFIMI Workshop on Understanding FinTech in Islamic Finance

Topics Discussed:

  • * Current impact, growth and development of #Fintech in general
  • * Value that #Fintech can add to the #Islamic #Financial Services Industry
  • * Overview of the #Islamic #fintech landscape with examples for real companies
  • * Highlight the bigger picture of the potential of #Islamic #FinTech and #TechFin
  • * Overview of #FinTech, #FinTech Ecosystems
  • * #Islamic #FinTech Opportunity in Africa
  • * A Look at Turkey #FinTech Landscape and Ecosystem (I presented this topic)
  • * Digital / Mobile #Payments in Turkey (I presented this topic)
  • * #Blockchain applications other than #Cryptocurrencies
  • * #Cryptocurrencies, #Bitcoin, #Etherium, #Ripple
  • * Payment Systems, Digital Commerce, Mobile Payments
  • * Alternative Financing P2P and Crowdfunding
  • * Governance and FinTech
  • * Financial Inclusion, #Microfinance, Micro-Takaful and #FinTech
  • * Artificial Intelligence
  • * #Regtech for compliance



#ADFIMI announced the seminar to its member as well as non-member institutions and one week prior to the seminar 30 applications were accepted.

The total number of participants who showed up was 25, from which 20 were from ADFIMI Member institutions (three from Ziraat Participation Bank, two from SME Bank Malaysia, two from TEKUN Nasional Malaysia, five from Vakifbank Turkey, three from Industrial Development Bank of Turkey, three from Halkbank Turkey, one from Omdurman National Bank Sudan and one from Islamic Development Bank).

The participants were from 6 countries (#Turkey, #SaudiArabia, #Sudan, #Malaysia, #Libya, and #Palestine).



At the end of the workshop, participants filled in an evaluation form. The evaluation report indicated overall satisfaction of the participants scored 77.1 %.

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